Uncommons Maths API
(Version 1.2.3)

Class PoissonGenerator

  extended by org.uncommons.maths.random.PoissonGenerator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PoissonGenerator
extends Object
implements NumberGenerator<Integer>

Discrete random sequence that follows a Poisson distribution.

Daniel Dyer

Constructor Summary
PoissonGenerator(double mean, Random rng)
          Creates a generator of Poisson-distributed values from a distribution with the specified mean.
PoissonGenerator(NumberGenerator<Double> mean, Random rng)
          Creates a generator of Poisson-distributed values.
Method Summary
 Integer nextValue()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PoissonGenerator(NumberGenerator<Double> mean,
                        Random rng)

Creates a generator of Poisson-distributed values. The mean is determined by the provided NumberGenerator. This means that the statistical parameters of this generator may change over time. One example of where this is useful is if the mean generator is attached to a GUI control that allows a user to tweak the parameters while a program is running.

To create a Poisson generator with a constant mean, use the PoissonGenerator(double, Random) constructor instead.

mean - A NumberGenerator that provides the mean of the Poisson distribution used for the next generated value.
rng - The source of randomness.


public PoissonGenerator(double mean,
                        Random rng)
Creates a generator of Poisson-distributed values from a distribution with the specified mean.

mean - The mean of the values generated.
rng - The source of randomness.
Method Detail


public Integer nextValue()

Specified by:
nextValue in interface NumberGenerator<Integer>
The next value from the generator.

Uncommons Maths API
(Version 1.2.3)